Solitary Figure at Sunset, Bandon (?), Oregon.

This picture, and others I’ll post, illustrates a good example of the frustrations of rebuilding a blog.  Thankfully, because of EXIF data, I know that the picture was taken in June, 2011, while we visited my wife’s family in Oregon and gave the kids an opportunity to see, and in the case of my son – meet,  Grandpa Ladd.  It was a fun week.  The kids got to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time.  They got to see sea lions for the first time.  We got to see Springfield and Autzen Stadium for the first time.  The Pacific Northwest really is a beautiful place and although my heart is in the Midwest, especially the U.P., I could see myself moving there someday.

The frustration is not knowing WHERE the picture was taken.  I know that it’s near Coquille River Lighthouse but as to what beach, in particular it’s at – I can’t say.

As far as the picture, itself, is concerned:  it was taken with my D40, using the kit 18-55mm lens.  Again, at the time I was into HDR and when I originally posted this picture it was tonemapped using Photomatix.  It was later, after I got out of HDR, that I went back and reprocessed the original RAW image and I have to say I love the results much better.

The timing could not have been better because whoever that figure was, standing silhouetted against the sky, he or she did not stay there for long and it was sheer luck that I managed to capture him/her.